Monday, May 18, 2009

Opinions & Beliefs

My husband says, "That's the way the world is, that's what people do, argue about beliefs and opinions." His comment was in response to my observation about the futility of arguing. After all, one is never going to convince another... "Of course, you're right and I'm wrong." Minds are changed only from within, and generally only after considerable inner struggle. Externally, a person may be coerced or forced into a different behavior suggesting a change of mind, but that does not mean the belief has shifted, only that the survival mode has kicked in.

Why do we so adamantly defend our beliefs? Most of us unconsciously equate our identity with our belief system. We form our relationships, our tribes, and our allies based on common beliefs. Our conversations are focused on our opinions and what we believe to be true. And woe to anyone who does not agree. Our beliefs draw the line in the sand, where it's us against all the others who hold different beliefs about an issue of value.

But, am I my beliefs and opinions? Well, does God have beliefs and opinions? By definition, Omniscience is to be all knowing, and Knowingness excludes the need for either belief or opinion. Both are tools of duality, not Oneness. I am not my beliefs and opinions, for my Existence preceded them both. However, the consequence of pretending to be less than Created, is to also seem to be less than total Knowingness. And this "less than" state of mind is the state where opinions grow up and become beliefs. But no amount of pretending is ever going to make any opinion or belief better than another or more real. They are simply entertaining fantasies.

People are going to argue because their differing beliefs project corresponding perceptions. Perceptions are subjective, not objective. We see what we want to see to support the beliefs we hold valuable. So it is understandable why one person cannot see things as another person does. Perceptions are belief based.

Personally, there are a number of things that I have no opinion about. How is that possible? Firstly, I see differing perceptions about the issue and one perception appears to be just as valid as the other perception. When I hear two people arguing, I understand that both views are reasonable, given the vantage point from which each is looking. Secondly, holding an opinion one way or the other seems irrelevant, because my having an opinion is not going to change anything, except my peace of mind.

I used to feel stupid for not having an opinion. Now, I just feel relieved to have one less monkey chattering in my head. Opinions are burdensome, keeping me in my head and out of my heart, making me judgmental and unloving.

As for the opinions I do have, and those which have grown up to become my beliefs, I'm beginning to take them less seriously. I do not want to use them to shut me away from the others who are part of my Self. So I am beginning to regard my beliefs as my toys.

I play with my toys and you play with your toys. If your toys are kind of like mine, that's cool. If your toys are different than mine, that's interesting, too. Can you threaten me with your toys? You can certainly try. But if I remember that my Existence is invulnerable and precedes all toys, why should I be concerned?

The "me" that plays with the belief-toys, the "me" that is both you and me, the "me" that is so engrossed in playing that we have forgotten the real Me, will one day wake up to the realization that these toys are not actually any fun. And we will lay them aside.

Will we? Will we all lay aside our divisive thinking one day, and return to the awareness of Oneness. I am absolutely certain of it. And isn't that certainty also a belief? Yes, it is. And it is one of those beliefs that I still enjoy and will keep, until it is replaced by the Omniscience of Truth. Because for now, it is a toy that tweaks my inner happiness, kindles my loving nature, and feeds my peace.

Blessings -


  1. Oh Aud! This is so wonderful. My time in Spokane brought up so how we all perceive death and the well as how we react to it. Opinions flying all over the place, only to create an ongoing argument. Screw that! Love you so much!

  2. I have been thinking about this for awhile. I realized on day what I believed had changed many times. We could pave roads with what I have believed. So, I agree. We will wake up to our oneness. My goal now is to remember that this is what I believe. I have been devoted to having opinions. Now, I just want to question them. Love you for being digger.
