Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Cynic

Oh, my god! I'm a cynic! That's quite an admission, coming on the heals of the earlier post on opinions and beliefs. Now how am I going to deal with this realization? Well, let's make a list of aud's hottest issues and look for a common theme:
- pharmaceutical companies... it's about profits not healing the sick.
- U.S penal system... forget about rehabilitation, just punish the bastards.
- credit card companies... legal entrapment
- politicians... not the white hats, rather the big hats.
- medical doctors... conveyor belt care
- organized religion... the blind leading the blind

So what's the burr under my saddle? On the surface it appears that the issue is deception, organized groups claiming to be helping others when the hidden agenda is to help themselves. But there's a deeper issue that makes me livid... lack of compassion, a cold heart.

OK, so I need to own the stuff. These are my issues after all, they are my mirrors. So what is MY hidden agenda? The thought that instantly pops into my mind is "to over throw God." Whooooa!

But is it actually possible to over throw God, to have a separate will outside of God's Will? Where is "outside" when God is Omnipresence? The only place "outside" can be, is in a figment of my imagination, which momentarily projects a reflection of existence, a fantasy not a reality.

The projection is a natural consequence of a broken sense of identity (believing I am an independent will). A broken sense of identity projects "broken" images. And in this case, the projection imaged is groups of self serving entities. Their brokenness is not their fault, it's my projection. And my reflections have no free will, they dance to the tune of my beliefs.

Again, my belief is that I "can over throw God," and thereby, claim a will of my own. Yet, it's not possible to over throw Omnipresence. It can be imagined but not real. The effects of such fantasy are to totally lose my reality. I forget I am love. My projections can only image what I believe I am. And without love, the images have no heart. Their lack of compassion, their cold heart is a natural consequence. It's not their fault. These group entities can be no better than my forgetfulness.

Now, I can forgive these groups their hidden agendas and their lack of compassion. They are not at fault. And my forgiveness coupled with understanding, stirs and awakens the compassion and love within me. Ahhhhh, I have found That which was lost, Love, my True Self.

I feel the reality of it... I am Love, and I am BIG. Unbelievable, those once contemptible groups were my way back to my Self? What can I be now, but grateful? Thank you. Peace -


  1. Fantastic! I needed this after feeling much anger with the doctors for allowing my sister to have so many pain meds........which pretty much ultimately led to her death. I must forgive. Love you and your thoughts!

  2. Although I have viewed the groups you spoke of with similar thoughts of cynicism, I guess I've come to view that cynical point of view in a totally different way.

    I see those groups as a perfect example of what ego is all about. They are simply outpicturings of egos motives and MO. Instead of finding them irritants and a means to lose my cool over, I've come to a point of detente with them and now think of them more as my saviours since they show me what the illusion really is and how things really work here.

    I even (occasionally) have been known to bless them for showing me and reminding me what this world is really like and how very different that is from the REAL THING, Heaven.

    I guess that's my form of forgiving them for not being what I thought they were or thought they should be. Much less rancor and much more peace when I remember (and acknowledge) what they are showing me. It brings a sense of contentment to recognize how I'm not 'falling for it' as much.

    Blessings and thanks for sharing.
