Monday, April 27, 2009


I had never heard of the swine flu before last week. This new strain of flu appeared to spring out of nowhere into the heart of Mexico, resulting in the deaths of 80 plus and growing. Then within hours the virus was found in a number of random US states, followed by Canada, and now Europe.

Am I the only one who finds this rapid spread bazaar? How do health officials account for the faster than lightening-speed in which this virus has encircled the globe? They can't explain it.

Why isn't someone asking, "Is there something about illness, or even disease, that we've overlooked until now? Something we've not understood, that this rapid spread of swine flu is revealing?"

What I see happening would not be, perhaps could not even be, accepted by such authorities or even 99.9% of humanity. I do not see this illness spreading person to person, nose to nose, or even in the circulating air currents. I see the swine flu spreading by way of the mind; not as a fearful thought, for almost all of us who become fearful of it, will not even experience the flu.

We are manifesting the swine flu from a mental level, a mental level much higher than on the level of personal mind. The thoughts that run through my personal mind are insignificant, no more powerful than the clouds that float by in the sky. It's what I believe about those clouds/thoughts that make the difference. I can enjoy the clouds/thoughts, be oblivious to them, or be afraid of them; it simply hinges upon my interpretation of their meaning.

It is not the actual individual fear thoughts that are manifesting this virus. It's bigger than that. This manifestation comes from the level of our "one mind," the level of higher mind that we all share. It is at a level where the choice has been made to experience individuality... to split off a segment of our one Divine Mind and break it up into little mind fragments. Why? Curiosity maybe, it was just an idea that got out of hand.

Mind could be symbolized as being one big beautiful mirror. As a consequence of that idea of separation, over in one corner of the great mirror there appears to be a very tiny shattered area. Those shattered pieces represent our individualized minds. They aren't really the problem. The problem is the belief that the big beautiful mirror, representing the Omnipotent Mind of God, could ever be fragmented in any way, becoming individualized in little sections, and apart from the One, and apart from each other, too. We can believe anything, justify it by any number of "proofs," but that does not make the belief true.

Blinded by that belief of being apart, we looked at a shattered self: "Oops! We split Oneness into two-ness. Not only did we destroy Oneness to make this two-ness, this two-ness is a mess! " And the problem has continued down through the ages, because we have failed to question the belief in apartness. But not any more!

Is it even possible for OMNIPOTENT ONENESS, Divine Mind, to be split asunder by any little erroneous concept? Not to my reasoning. Then how do I account for the misunderstanding? I can't with any degree of absolutivity. But it makes sense to me that as the One Mind played with different concepts, as if mental toys, a tiny segment of Mind perceived apartness as being "apart from" rather than "apart of." Of course, that's not what really happened. But everything within me tells me that the problem, actually every problem from then on, began with one innocent error in perception.

So what does that have to do with the swine flu? A split mind is not a Natural state. And because it is not a Natural state it does not reflect truly. It images truly AND un-truly, it images duality, good and bad, innocent and guilty, etc. Playing in our production of duality or two-ness, we cannot help but feel guilty for destroying the Oneness to do so. And the mind that feels guilty consequentially projects guilt onto the screen of duality, making a movie of disease and disaster. The "bad" characters, spawned from projected guilt, appear to wage war with the "good" characters, the bodies that we identify as ourselves. But we are not those bodies, we are eternal Spirit, same as our Creator, only we have temporarily forgotten because we're functioning from a confused split mind.

So in this state of forgetfulness, what do we do as this war wages around us, the war of the swine flu virus against the human body's immune system? "Be in the world but not of it."

Yes, we inadvertently wrote the script of the war movie now playing out, and a few characters will perish, but almost all will not. Neither you nor I nor those we love ARE those characters. We have simply loved the characters and, therefore, identified with them. You and I and those we love are actually at another mental level watching our mess of a movie, mesmerized into forgetfulness. THE MOVIE HAS NO POWER IN ITSELF. Every character has a beginning and an end, lest we get totally hypnotized by it and never remember What we are.

There is a Still Small Voice for Love, our true Self, within our mind, that knows the truth about everything: that the Omnipotent One Mind cannot be divided, that we are stuck in a misperception, and that we cannot be less than as we were created. That Still Small Voice for Love within our mind, guides us through every dark movie and out into the light. Be not afraid of the movie, it has no power to do anything. Listen to the reassurance and guidance of the Still Small Voice for Love within you. Follow it. It remembers everything!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Aud! I have thinking the same thing. Thank you for posting your thoughts regarding this issue. I received this quote from Abraham- Hicks the other day and thought it was very appropriate. Hope you don't mind if I post it here.

    "Death is an inevitable cycle. But sickness before death is a symptom of resistance. Most people think they've got to get sick to die. But, you could be like the cat who chooses to get run over. Or, you could just lie down in your bed, happily, one night, so content and thoughtless, wanting nothing in this physical world, and just reemerge into Pure Positive Energy... You can play it out any way you choose."
    --- Abraham
